Friday, February 21, 2014

Do I Smell Roses? Day 3

HELLO Olliedudes!! Day 3! This was the longest I had gone without faltering and smoking and was a major turning point in OPERATION NO SMOKEY. :) Knowing it was possible to make it this far, without going crazy or drop-kicking my family or friends, blew my mind.   Make very small goals in the beginning. 

You could even start out just having a few smokes a day, then a couple, then switch to the e-cig. Which, this e-cig by the way has been at my hip the whole of day 3.  I was no longer using it as an emergency nicotine dose, but as a crutch. This worried me, as the last thing I wanted to do was substitute something kinda bad for something really bad.  I soon realized that I was putting faaar to much pressure on myself to QUIT, rather than faze out.  So I CELEBRATED!! I went out to dinner with friends. I made cupcakes.  I soaked in the tub for awhile with a Hawaiian scented candle burning.  Of which, I could completely smell at this point. My sense of smell was coming back. SNIFF SNIFF :P Sorry for being gross, but I has waaay less snot and congestion in the mornings.  It started out anxiety-ridden and questionable and ended with the best dinner, dessert and bath I'd ever had.  

Getting my sense of smell slowly back was my first physical benefit of quitting smoking. Along with having a few less boogies. My wallet was staying a little thicker as well. I can say that experiencing this again for the first in 10 yrs was so motivating. I truly feel once you feel that first benefit, you'll feel the same way. This definitely motivated me to at least set my next goal at a week, 4 more days. If I could make it 4 more day's using my e-cig, I told myself I would have a salon day. Full well-knowing that when I went to my hairdresser I wouldn't feel the awkward feeling smelling like and ashtray.  I felt the same way around many different people; the eye doctor, my co-workers, my friend that didn't smoke and my pets for goodness sake.  I don't know if my dog was bothered by my breath, but I sure imagined he was. It was a real stigma for me up until day 3! TIME TO GO TELL SECRETS and Lick Faces! 8P
I spent that night, eating one of my blueberry cupcakes and sticking glitter to candles.  It was moment of zen in a seemingly overwhelming situation. I went to bed confident that the next 4 day's will be testing my longevity and persistence. Bring it on Week.....Bring it on.

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